The Pennies Make A Dime, Inc., (PMAD) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, and contributions to the foundation are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.
Your annual gift makes you a part of a community of committed donors who provide ongoing support for our mission to advance the needs of less fortunate children, children battling cancer and orphans through our policy, programs and projects.
Monthly giving is a convenient and effective way to donate because it saves on processing costs and bank charges, allowing a larger portion of your donation to go directly to our programs. It allows you to contribute your annual gift through monthly installments throughout the year.
Give a Gift in Honor or Memory of a Loved One. Make a donation to the PMAD in honor of a loved one or even a special occasion. Your designee or their families will receive a personalized letter, informing them of your special gift. Join us in helping people create and leave legacies in the name of leadership and service. Make your tax-deductible gift today.
One of the easiest ways to increase your gift to the PMAD is through your employer’s matching gift program. To learn if your employer will match your donation to PMAD check with your human resources department to learn about your company’s matching gift program.