Albert Einstein once said Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school. Let us remember: One book, one pen, one child, and one teacher can change the world. please consider donating toward our back to school projects as we donate over 400 backpacks filled with over 2500 essentials needed for student to succeed in their academic this fall. We plan on partnering with Delaware school District to serve community. All forms of donation are welcome.
BACK TO SCHOOL GIVEAWAY Christiana Care Community Health and Colonial Early Education Program (CEEP) are committed to partnering with Colonial's young children, their families, and the entire Colonial community. Christiana Care Community Health is generously sponsoring CEEP's Back to School Night for the 2019-2020 school year, and your agency/organization is invited to participate in this FREE event. Pennies Make A Dime Inc. Is pleased to be a vendor at this event. Please stop by our table for free school supply while supply last.
Donation to ICGC Church, Newark Delaware PMAD donated 27 backpacks filled with over 160 back to school essential to International Central Gospel Church located in Newark DE. Students ranging from Pre-K to a high school.
Donation to Bayard Middle School- Wilmington, DE Pennies Make A Dime Inc. partnered with Empower and Educate to donate 50 backpack and 350 school supplies to Bayard Middle School. The Bayard School mission is to engage all students in rich academic, social, artistic and physical opportunities in a safe and nurturing environment. Bayard Middle school respect diversity and embrace differences in ourselves and others. We expect excellence every day, for every child, in every class. Empower and Educate, Inc. is an organization committed to empowering and educating communities, with primary focus on the youth, in a judgment-free environment remaining transparent and available for all. Visit their social media page for all their community programs- facebook- @Empowerandeducateinc.
Back to School In Africa- Ghana This Year PMAD expanded their back to school Project to aid the less fortunate children in Ghana, West Africa. PMAD supplied 300 backpack and 2000 school supplies to the underserved community and God’s Care International School, Nsawam, Ghana.
Some of the supplies includes, Books, Notebooks, folders, pencils, Pens, Rulers, Hand sanitizers, glues and many more. In addition to the school supplies, PMAD will give out hygiene kits and other items need for school.