Pennies Make A Dime a non-profit organization, that advocates for children in Africa battling cancer as well as for the less fortunate. We believe that with every dime donated, we help pediatric cancer patients in Africa to see another day. Part of the funds donated help with cancer research. We sponsor children financially, set up educational, physical and spiritual workshops. We look to partner with companies, small businesses and individuals in creating unique fundraising events to provide key resources to orphans.
Children are losing their lives in Africa because their families are lacking the funds to have them admitted into hospitals for treatment. With your contribution, we can save these children. Please donate to save lives. As a foundation, we keep dreaming of a future with healthy children living cancer free lives. A future with a long and healthy life not lived in the shadow of cancer but in the light. "Please donate and save a life. PMAD is a register non-profit under section 501(c)(3) and registered in accordance with the Companies Act 1963 (Act 179) of the Republic of Ghana. |